** Take this for what it’s worth, the DC Police, notorious for under reporting the numbers of conservative patriotic American’s that show up for rallies in DC, admitted that 1.2 million bikers showed up. These were hard working American citizens who took time off from their jobs to protest Muslims demonstrating on 9/11 in Mordor on the Potomac. A Column stretching 55 miles long rode out of Los Angeles California, just let that sink in for a while… That is a column of Bikers that stretches beyond horizon to horizon. That is a column, that even traveling at 60 miles per hour, would have taken more than an hour to pass any given point. That was JUST the bikers from Los Angeles California. http://thewildernessofmirrors.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/55-miles-long-4-lanes-wide-no-wonder-the-news-is-silent-on-this-revolution/
The DC Ride: “We heard y’all had some crap up here in DC, how can we help”? Modern Day Minutemen Roll In To Town… and Roll, And Roll, And Roll, and still they come…..
Many participating riders were veterans who said they rode to protect Americans’ freedom in the midst of tumultuous times. “The enemy has a say when the war is over,” said rider Pete Raymond. “I believe they’re saying it’s not, so we’re here.” On their Facebook page, in all caps, the group said they will stand by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, adding that they’re “against any fundamental transformation of America.” FULL COVERAGE: 2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington , DC 9-11 TRIBUTE 2013